Look at your city from a different angle

How about going out to the streets you’ve walked a thousand times and just changing the perspective? Could you turn the well-known, casual, boring into surprisingly exciting and unknown?

Give your routine a sparkle. Try to notice the beauty of everyday things you’re passing by on your way to work, home or your weekend stroll.

Look up the buildings, notice the variety of rooftop tiles and colours. Check the facade of the old house round the corner and the sculptures on it. Does this bench in the park actually have an animal shape carved in its stand?

Look at your city as if you were a tourist visiting it for the first time. Take photos, share them with your friends to inspire them for a local urban-exploration. Go out there and rediscover what you thought you knew very well!

Berlin from a different angle

I live in Berlin and consider it my home city. But every now and then I notice these tiny little gems hiding unnoticed from a passer-by’s eye.


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